Felt pretty lethargic this past week.
Skipped my Monday/Wednesday swim on account of feeling like a tonne of bricks when the alarm went off in the morning. Managed to complete my run on Monday and make it to a CrossFit class but was plagued with some serious soreness for the next three days so skipped my bike and run on Wednesday/Thursday as well. Blah.
This is not the way I envisioned starting off my six month countdown to IMLP.
Started to come out of my funk on Saturday and made it to my swim. Coach had me swim up a lane and gave me the objective of keeping up with a specific swimmer. The motivation did wonders, as did swimming right behind someone. I managed to keep up with her and finished 2500m in 75 min. Yay.
Saturday continued well and I got my 140 min. ride done. (I should mention I did have two, two-hour naps prior to my ride - I guess the swim took more out of me than I thought).
Today called for a 50 min bike and 90 min. run. After a late start (read: procrastinating), I only completed 35/75.
Silly Veronica, you should know by now that you need to get your training done in the morning, otherwise it's a race against the clock in the evenings.
Hang in there, dude!!!