Monday, June 3, 2013

First injury ...

After 9 months of training I finally have my first "injury". Not that I've been looking forward to it but, I just figured it was inevitable with the training hours I've been putting in. I'm actually lucky at how non-serious it really is (on the mend now), but it put me out for a few days, including a weekend -- which is usually when I get my long swim, bike and runs completely -- so it ticked me off.

You may ask, "How did you get injured?" Well, essentially I fell off my bike ... while standing still.

Middle of last week I went to the Gatineaus to do hill repeats and I had a friend join me for some motivation. I had just finished my 5th repeat when we ran into people he knows so we stopped to say "Hi". I unclipped, came to a full stop and was taking a drink while my friend chit chatted. A few seconds later he gave me a soft warning that a group was coming up the hill. I was slightly left of the shoulder line so I thought I would move in. Mistake.
New (SpeedPlay) clipless pedal.
Root cause of my injury :)

Turns out one of my feet was still clipped in and when I went to move to the side, it totally threw me off kilter and I fell over. It all looked pretty harmless at first. Just a little knee scrape and a bruised ego, but I managed another two repeats and a full climb to Champlain. The next day was a completely different story. 

The next day I had a huge welt on my butt and my left shoulder/trap/neck was a mess. All knotted up from when I put my hand out to break my fall. Shoulder and neck mobility was considerably limited for a few days and I didn't swim/bike or run at the fear of exacerbating it. 

Thankfully I had an appt. with my physio already lined up for tonite so she took care of it with some dry needling. Still sore right now after having the knots released but tomorrow it will likely be good to go again. 

Side note: I recently got new clip-less pedals (speedplay). I blame that for my fall. They have a lot more float (aka : wiggle room) than I'm used to so that's why I thought I was unclipped when I really wasn't. Anywho, all this to say the new pedals are awesome. The shoe that accompanies them is a lot stiffer than my old shoes so power transfer from leg-pedal-bike is a lot more efficient. I'm a whole two gears lower on my hill climbs. Booyah!

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