Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This one goes out to the one I love ...

This is a post of thanks and appreciation - to my hubby.

To state the obvious, training for an IM takes a lot of time. My daily schedule is something like: sleep, train, work, train, repeat. It doesn't leave much time for much else, namely: laundry, dishes, cooking, taking care of the pets, etc, etc, etc. So my hubby has taken up a lot of the slack. A LOT.

Not only has he taken on the extra workload around the house (and more), but he has also taken on the role of massage therapist, mental coach and cheerleader. Not once has he ever questioned this crazy goal of mine (and its arguably negative effects on him) but rather taken it on in tandem and done whatever he can to help me achieve it.

I am so immensely lucky to have this guy in my corner.

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